!!!! Night Mail !!!!

Započeo Illusionist, April 02, 2006, 06:24:39

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

Winter's Son

a kada cjemo sastaviti ta jbn pitanja?
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


hm, pa sad svi salju kao u ime celog fan kluba... bzvz, evo emppu nije odgovarao ni na jedno pitanje fan kluba ili sajta

saljite individulano, tako imate vishe shanse
moj predlog, a vi kako hocete
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Evo,bas skoro pitah nesto Nightwish-crew likove... Ko zna sta ce budale odgovarati...A Marco-vi odgovori su ludi...
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

Winter's Son

Nightwish.com has been the target of a hacker attack last night. The
problem is solved now and you can use the website without risk. However,
if you visited the start page (where you select the language) between
10.00 PM on 20th and 10.00 AM on 21st, run a virus scanner immediately!
They used an infected Java archive (Java/ClassLoader.AA trojan) and an
infected .wmf image  (Win32/Exploit.WMF trojan). We will look further
into this matter and let you know if we find out something interesting.
Until then, let's consider this a reminder to always keep our software
updated and to use virus scanners.
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


E,sad ce mi Emppu odgovoriti...100%...videcete...Pitanje je..originalno... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

Winter's Son

ovo vecj dva dana pishe:

We are currently not available, as we're moving to our new server.
We'll be back in a few hours.

Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Winter's Son

jel moze neko da mi prevede ovo:

Nightwish Aku-Ankassa
Nightwish saavutti jälleen yhden suuren tavoitteensa päästyään mainituksi Aku-Ankan sivuille "Yövissy" -nimellä. Tätä on odotettu!

Unapred zahvalan JA :lol:
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Lost Lullaby

hahaha, ma obavezno :lol:
meni je taj Nightmail sam po sebi veoma gotivna stvarcica, ali pitanja koja se u 80%slucajeva biraju su idiotska.....
Iako ja lolim Tuomiku, pitanja njemu postavljena ( a bogami i odgovori) su me zestoko udavili...
realno, vishe sanse imamo pojedinacno...
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest mind....now?

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.

Crownless Phoenix

jel neko postavio pitanje??

hajmo svi da smislimo jedno desetak pitanja, pa da postavimo pod imenom valley of wishes???
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Ja uvek pisem nightmail ali nikad ne dobijem odgovor, pitala sam tatu:D Tuomasa ako mu neko ponudi da glumi u neki film hoce li prifatiti, a sada sam pitala anetu zasto toliko bulji u tuomasa kada peva ever dream
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Crownless Phoenix

paa srecno s tim odgovorima :)
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Zasto bulji...haha...pa zato sto ga pita ''jesi ti normalan?'',''kako ja ovo da odpevam?''  :histerija:


Citat: chessmaster poslato Avgust 13, 2008, 18:37:29
Zasto bulji...haha...pa zato sto ga pita ''jesi ti normalan?'',''kako ja ovo da odpevam?''  :histerija:
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Crownless Phoenix

Citat: chessmaster poslato Avgust 13, 2008, 18:37:29
Zasto bulji...haha...pa zato sto ga pita ''jesi ti normalan?'',''kako ja ovo da odpevam?''  :histerija:

jel moze ovo da konkurise za vic godine? :histerija:

elem, da se vrnemo ot:
ko odgovara sledeceg meseca?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Citat: Crownless Phoenix poslato Avgust 14, 2008, 10:51:16
jel moze ovo da konkurise za vic godine? :histerija:

elem, da se vrnemo ot:
ko odgovara sledeceg meseca?
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Crownless Phoenix

auu sto ce tu biti pitanja :lol:
Marco, sad posto Tarje vise nema (jelte) jel ti je drago sto mozes vise da pustis na slobodu svoj vokal?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Citat: Crownless Phoenix poslato Avgust 14, 2008, 14:19:42
auu sto ce tu biti pitanja :lol:
Marco, sad posto Tarje vise nema (jelte) jel ti je drago sto mozes vise da pustis na slobodu svoj vokal?
LEPO PITANJE, mada mislim da mu ja drazije pevati sa tarjom nego sa anettom!
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Crownless Phoenix

jao bre ljudi, umiru nam teme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jel neko pitao nesto??
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Kolko znam,nije niko nista pitao.

Crownless Phoenix

jel ima neko neki predlog??
ae da smislimo pitanja za sledecu uru...
ko je na redu da odgovara?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Emppu will face your questions next month.
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Crownless Phoenix

Miroslav from Serbia:
What part of your body would you chose to be worshiped as an ancient egyptian amulet?

What do you think?


i sta je sad Döddödödöö?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Jea,procitao sam to :lol:

Ko ce ga znati sta je Döddödödöö :lol: