Biografija VoW-a

Započeo Ika, Mart 15, 2009, 13:10:22

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Ovde pishite svoje predloge, ideje, sve shto bi moglo biti 'korisno' kako bi se sastavila nova biografija foruma.  ;)

Crownless Phoenix

dakle, da krenemo od samog pocetka:
ko je dosao na ideju da se pravi nw fansite/foru, kako i kada?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


It all began as a wish to gather all Nightwish fans in this country. First idea of forum (and eventually site) came from the original idea by Eyes of a Wolf, OneWish and Maza, who all liked NW and decided to create a dedicated forum on Serbian language. In the following days and weeks many participated in what was to became – first NW forum.

To je onaj deo iz biografije koji valja...?


Po mom mišljenju, biografija je - sem onog dijela sa svađama - sasvim OK, samo što bi trebalo da se dopuni (pošto su se neke stvari izdešavale od Ikinog odlaska sa foruma '07-'08).

I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.

Crownless Phoenix

eto, anja resila slucaj :D
daklem, neka sve ostane isto, samo da se dopuni, a sporni delovi da se izbrisu. Da li se vecina slaze?
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


It all began as a wish to gather all Nightwish fans in this country. First idea of forum (and eventually site) came from the original idea by Eyes of a Wolf, OneWish and Maza, who all liked NW and decided to create a dedicated forum on Serbian language. In the following days and weeks many participated in what was to became – first NW forum.

Year 2005

The first forum was launched on January 16th 2005, on a Forumer free service. As you can see on this snapshot, it lacked in design but was overwhelmed with joy and good atmosphere. However, due to uninspiring passwords of the admins, it was crashed on July 7th by a member. All of the remaining moderators and admins (the ones that were not banned, of course) decided to move onto a new (this time, temporary) forum.

Nordic Beauty Era & Nuke-thingie-type Era

Again on Forumer free service, but this time with many thoughts about paid hosting, this forum rose to be full of new ideas and members. At the end of July Elldamar and Ninoslav joined and decided to help, being more experienced but not less entusiasted than the others. After a lot of negotiations and almost over hundred potential names, finally an agreement has been reached – new site is to be named EverDreamers, of course, by the famous NW song.

As a temporary solution, before registering a domain, Ninoslav provided a hosting, for the first time without advertisements! It was also decided that the forum will be only a part of a whole "thing", and not the essence itself. First site was launched on PHPNuke platform, had a little "design" if you could call it that way. What lacked is full version of PHPBB, and Elldamar insisted that the site needed one. So, when EverDreamers was launched on paid host, the whole Nuke-thing-era was abandoned... luckily...

EverDreamers Era

On August 12th, finally, everything was ready... well, almost everything, since we've managed to get only the forums up-and-running. A mass mail was sent out, informing everyone about new and final solution for all NW fans who are willing to join. The administration was enthroned – Elldamar as a main admin, Ninoslav as a tech.admin and OneWish as the chief of moderators. It's impossible to state all of moderators as they were changed during the course of time. After a few bad solutions for the graphic design, Ninoslav made a final version for the forums... The green one, everyone's favourite by this day. New siteportal was also founded, color matching to forums. During NovemberDecember, new site design was brought to light. Old design got a proper name – "Old Dreamers" and forums got new look too – 2 more skins that users could choose! New look had to be used because Tarja got kicked out. In December and best part of January, Elldamar went to hospital and all the burden fell on Ninoslav's back. OneWish had (and has) a little or no experience in running such a large site, and it was decided that Maza was to be promoted to admin status. Impossibility to find a common ground between OneWish and Ninoslav made the whole atmosphere very unhappy...

Year 2006
End Of The EverDreamers

After the Elldamar's return from hospital, things seemed better. Some new functions were added to forums, making them easy to navigate. Annoying snow-falling-script (annoying to everyone but Ninoslav) was removed by popular request. However, things between administrators weren't so good, especially when some of moderators took side by OneWish on a friendly basis. Feeling suffocated and repressed, Ninoslav has left but gave all his graphic work as his legacy to ED. However, the situation on ED became very unhealthy and Ninoslav decided to take back all of his work and then he moved the site to a new domain, with all of the graphics, which he made for ED. Both sites went separate ways...

Valley Of Wishes Era

On March 14th 2006 site was transferred to a new domain. It looked exactly like the before. New administrators were PlanetHell, Maza and Ninoslav as a tech.admin. Moderators were selected by their skills. Design was slightly altered to match the new name... This was a new home for all Nightwish fans...

Jel' ovo sve valja?


CitatHowever, things between administrators weren't so good, especially when some of moderators took side by OneWish on a friendly basis.

Ovaj deo mi se ne svidja, ljigavo je ubacivati ovako nesto u biografiju (bez obzira ko je u pravu).
To je kao u fudbalu npr., izgubis pa krivis sudije za poraz i sl.
you, the dead of my land, I envy you!
you, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!

there are no men like me. there's only me.

go then, there are other worlds than these

a thousand crystal towers,
a hundred emerald cities..


Citat: Ika poslato Mart 15, 2009, 14:42:19
In December and best part of January, Elldamar went to hospital and all the burden fell on Ninoslav's back. OneWish had (and has) a little or no experience in running such a large site, and it was decided that Maza was to be promoted to admin status. Impossibility to find a common ground between OneWish and Ninoslav made the whole atmosphere very unhappy...

Year 2006
End Of The EverDreamers

After the Elldamar's return from hospital, things seemed better. Some new functions were added to forums, making them easy to navigate. Annoying snow-falling-script (annoying to everyone but Ninoslav) was removed by popular request. However, things between administrators weren't so good, especially when some of moderators took side by OneWish on a friendly basis. Feeling suffocated and repressed, Ninoslav has left but gave all his graphic work as his legacy to ED. However, the situation on ED became very unhealthy and Ninoslav decided to take back all of his work and then he moved the site to a new domain, with all of the graphics, which he made for ED. Both sites went separate ways...

Valley Of Wishes Era

On March 14th 2006 site was transferred to a new domain. It looked exactly like the before. New administrators were PlanetHell, Maza and Ninoslav as a tech.admin. Moderators were selected by their skills. Design was slightly altered to match the new name... This was a new home for all Nightwish fans...

Crveno izbaciti...Zeleno izmenjati:
a) ubaciti nesto tipa "sticajem nesrecnih okolnosti,usled nekih problema za koje nije pravovremeno nadjen kompromis"
b) izostaviti to ko je ko...mozda bolje reci da su funkcije date ljudima koji su pokazali brigu i zalaganje za forum....i na kraju samo ubacitit poziv da nam se pridruze.
For those that love me no explanation is necessary; for those who don't non is possible

Penis bonus pax in domus!!! :lol:

Ako uzmem da jedem govna, nije pitanje da li ces i ti, pitanje je koliko brzo posle mene ces to da uradis.


Zeznuto je to što, kad bismo izbacili sve te svađe, skoro ništa ne bi ni ostalo od biografije. xD


Citat: POISON IVY poslato Mart 15, 2009, 17:08:53
Crveno izbaciti...Zeleno izmenjati:
a) ubaciti nesto tipa "sticajem nesrecnih okolnosti,usled nekih problema za koje nije pravovremeno nadjen kompromis"
b) izostaviti to ko je ko...mozda bolje reci da su funkcije date ljudima koji su pokazali brigu i zalaganje za forum....i na kraju samo ubacitit poziv da nam se pridruze.
...da, saglasna sam sa Krajom.
Proseravajmo se malo. :D

I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.


Ljudi da vam ja nesto kazem iskreno:
mene je Maja dovela na forum,pricala mi je o extra ljudima koji su zabavni,vole da se sale i zezaju,vode se price i tracevi o NW,sve je opusteno i kul....znala sam da je VOW naslednik nekog drugog foruma ali nisam se uplitala u to sta se i kako desilo...(kroz boravak na forumu pocela sam da povezujem neke stvari)
Da sam od nje cula sve sto se desavalo/desava i da mi je onda rekla "reguj se" samo bih se nasmejala...
Pobogu ovo mesto treba da bude mesto gde dodjete da se opustite i zezate se!!!Nema potrebe za ruznim stavrima...

A i ako cemo cisto strateski i marketinski gledano: jurimo neki glas i reputaciju,zar ne?Mislite da ce nam ovo pomoci??? Dakle primeni taktiku nasih politicara: lazi i mazi sa osmehom...mozda ne treba da obecavamo penzije za najstarije clanove sa gigantskim brojem postova (Marta gledam u tebe :lol:) ali malo sarene laze nece da skodi... :D
For those that love me no explanation is necessary; for those who don't non is possible

Penis bonus pax in domus!!! :lol:

Ako uzmem da jedem govna, nije pitanje da li ces i ti, pitanje je koliko brzo posle mene ces to da uradis.


Citat: POISON IVY poslato Mart 15, 2009, 17:21:01

mene je Maja dovela na forum,pricala mi je o extra ljudima koji su zabavni,vole da se sale i zezaju,vode se price i tracevi o NW,sve je opusteno i kul....

Iskreno, u početku i jeste bilo tako, makar za one koji se nisu uplitali u sve to - sve dok se stvari nisu otele kontroli.

I mislim da je Martha zaslužila penziju, kad smo već kod toga.

I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.


Ja mislim da je tolika biografija sasvim nepotrebna. Nema potrebe do detalja objašnjavati svađe i slične gluposti. To može samo da se pomene kao razlog odvajanja VOW-a od ED-a, tj. da je došlo do svađe i GOTOVO.
Jesus saves!

The strong one puts no solace in his power, and the wise not in wisdom
still what is happiness and joy, wordly goods and the price of man?


Citat: POISON IVY poslato Mart 15, 2009, 17:08:53
Crveno izbaciti...Zeleno izmenjati:
a) ubaciti nesto tipa "sticajem nesrecnih okolnosti,usled nekih problema za koje nije pravovremeno nadjen kompromis"
b) izostaviti to ko je ko...mozda bolje reci da su funkcije date ljudima koji su pokazali brigu i zalaganje za forum....i na kraju samo ubacitit poziv da nam se pridruze.

Slazem se sa ovim u potpunosti.
you, the dead of my land, I envy you!
you, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!

there are no men like me. there's only me.

go then, there are other worlds than these

a thousand crystal towers,
a hundred emerald cities..

Winter's Son

Citat: POISON IVY poslato Mart 15, 2009, 17:21:01
Ljudi da vam ja nesto kazem iskreno:
mene je Maja dovela na forum,pricala mi je o extra ljudima koji su zabavni,vole da se sale i zezaju,vode se price i tracevi o NW,sve je opusteno i kul....znala sam da je VOW naslednik nekog drugog foruma ali nisam se uplitala u to sta se i kako desilo...(kroz boravak na forumu pocela sam da povezujem neke stvari)
Da sam od nje cula sve sto se desavalo/desava i da mi je onda rekla "reguj se" samo bih se nasmejala...


Citat: Crownless Phoenix poslato Mart 15, 2009, 13:56:29
dakle, da krenemo od samog pocetka:
ko je dosao na ideju da se pravi nw fansite/foru, kako i kada?

a da se krene od starta, polako i temeljno, kao u filmu, razvija se pricha, spletki nema, bla blaaa, drvecje, svecje, prolecje.. Moze?
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."