Anette Olzon

Započeo Winter's Son, Maj 24, 2007, 22:44:06

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Ne znam za uzas :), ali slazem se da mi je ovo bila mozda najlosije izvedena pesma na Exit-u.
Ovde ne zelim da prihvatim to ajajajajajiiiiiiiiiiiii jer mi se ne dopada u sklopu pesme i to je to.
Ali hvala ti Majo!
To su profi snimci sa Exita! To do sada nisam imao, a vrlo sam zeleo :D
We're just a second in time
The last in the line
Of the prey that walks the Earth
Good and evil combined!

This is my church of choice,
Love's strength standeth in love's sacrifice!

You can't buy peace of mind in a fuckin' store,
You could do with less but you all want more!


"Destiny is an excuse for those who don't have the strength to fulfil their wishes. Everything is possible. Even the impossible."
Tuomas Holopainen

Angel Of Light

nema na cemu ;) meni se smucilo kad sam cula to ajajajajajaiii :D
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Citat: Angel Of Light poslato Decembar 06, 2009, 19:02:51
nema na cemu ;) meni se smucilo kad sam cula to ajajajajajaiii :D

Majke mi.  :icon_confused: Ali ostatak pesme nekako može da prođe...Marko je dosta popravio utisak...  :D
Death is easier than a pen,and duty is heavier than a mountain...You choose.

    "Prošla su proleća sa vesnicima sreće
     Čovek se u dušu kocka, smrt zemljom kreće
     Vatra urla, vetrovi kidaju, a zemlja drobi
     Dok iskidan sluga sanja o svojoj kobi."

                Love Aragorn :heart:


Citat: chess poslato Novembar 29, 2009, 13:32:10

The Rasmus feat. Anette Olzon - October & April LIVE 28.11.2009

Ovo je bio neki dogovor da se oboje pojave sa smesnom frizurom xD ? O.o
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama


Aneta je trudna xD

My dear blog readers and also Nightwish fans;=)

I have held a little secret for you all for some time now, but today I feel I want to share it with you all. As you all know, I am very private and dont want to share to much about my personal life, but due to some speculations and since I am so happy I have decided to tell my secret:

Last autumn in the middle of my demo recordings of my solo album, I started to feel very, very tired and also nauseated. I took a pregnancy test and guess if me and my bf was really surprised to see that I had gotten pregnant. Since I had decided to not have any more children than my son, it was totally not planned, but after the very first shock, it felt really, really good;=)

Now I have almost done half the pregnancy and I am feeling extremely good, but its due to this I decided to not do the solo this year. I am sure you all can understand this decision better now and I do promise to release the songs at another time;=)


Citat: chess poslato Mart 03, 2010, 16:23:29
Aneta je trudna xD

My dear blog readers and also Nightwish fans;=)

I have held a little secret for you all for some time now, but today I feel I want to share it with you all. As you all know, I am very private and dont want to share to much about my personal life, but due to some speculations and since I am so happy I have decided to tell my secret:

Last autumn in the middle of my demo recordings of my solo album, I started to feel very, very tired and also nauseated. I took a pregnancy test and guess if me and my bf was really surprised to see that I had gotten pregnant. Since I had decided to not have any more children than my son, it was totally not planned, but after the very first shock, it felt really, really good;=)

Now I have almost done half the pregnancy and I am feeling extremely good, but its due to this I decided to not do the solo this year. I am sure you all can understand this decision better now and I do promise to release the songs at another time;=)


Da l' je moguce? :lol:

A ko je taj deckonja? xD I znaci li to da ce i Najtmish na pauzu? Oh, well...ako ce je to barem na kratko spreciti da :lol: Cestitamo. :mrgreen:

Cekajte ljudi, je l' ona jos peva u Najtmishu? Kako nisam u toku xD


Aaaaa sad ce da bude ludilo :lol:
Save yourself and let them suffer!

Crownless Phoenix

Mislim da peva xD
Sad ih nece biti 2godine na live nastupima :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


A ko je tata? xD
Death is easier than a pen,and duty is heavier than a mountain...You choose.

    "Prošla su proleća sa vesnicima sreće
     Čovek se u dušu kocka, smrt zemljom kreće
     Vatra urla, vetrovi kidaju, a zemlja drobi
     Dok iskidan sluga sanja o svojoj kobi."

                Love Aragorn :heart:


Tenk ju ;)

@ontopic:A,drago mi je zbog žene...ima i ona pravo na život :mrgreen:
Death is easier than a pen,and duty is heavier than a mountain...You choose.

    "Prošla su proleća sa vesnicima sreće
     Čovek se u dušu kocka, smrt zemljom kreće
     Vatra urla, vetrovi kidaju, a zemlja drobi
     Dok iskidan sluga sanja o svojoj kobi."

                Love Aragorn :heart:

Winter's Son

da li da nagadjamo ili je Tomas cjale? :histerija:
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Crownless Phoenix

nije toma, cini mi se da je onaj njen decko :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Hehe, čestitam mamici!

Ovaj, ona je definitivno promašila žanr. Trebala je da bude pop pevačica....inače i nema tako loš glas, ali u poređenju sa Tarjom....
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.

Coa Smor

A šta bi sa onim solo albumom njenim što je odustala zbog trudnoće? :roll:

Ko tu koga...

no dobro, aj iskuliram, dok stigne snimak neki :)
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens fly, soft petals on a breeze.
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens. Why-nots, Perhaps and Wait-and-sees.

Crownless Phoenix

Inace, cale je neko iz PAINa, samo nisam skapirala koji :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Znate šta, ona bolje da je rođena mutava. Nikog ne bi mučila ^^
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Citat: ~Nymphadora~ poslato Jul 19, 2010, 00:39:22
Znate šta, ona bolje da je rođena mutava. Nikog ne bi mučila ^^



.....A i dozlaboga je ružna.

Elem, who is poor enough to f*ck her??? :shock: :histerija: :pop:
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Mislim da to nije ovde tema

A i smarate kada je upitanju njena lepota/ruznoca

Pogledajte ostale osobe na planeti, nismo ni mi savrseni
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama


Citat: LoveGhost poslato Avgust 04, 2010, 21:05:22
A i smarate kada je upitanju njena lepota/ruznoca

Ponestalo im je razloga za pljuvanje.

Ja apsolutno smatram da njoj u Najtvišu nije mjesto jer njihova muzika jednostavno zahtijeva (tj. zahtijevala je) potpuno drugačiji vokal da bi emocije koje je sadržala bile prenesene na najbolji mogući način. Ona je imala pravo da konkuriše za mjesto pjevačice kao i svako drugi, došla je na mjesto jedne sjajne pjevačice, trudi se koliko joj mogućnosti dozvoljavaju (i dok i njoj, d' izvinete, guzica ne zine za pare, ako već nije) - Tuomas je taj koji ju je izabrao. Prebolite Tarju već jednom, majku mu. Kritikujte njen glas koliko hoćete, to je u redu, ali ste dosadili i bogu i ljudima sa potpuno bespotrebnim pljuvanjem.

Moja dva dinarsaurusa.

I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else.


However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Uneredicu se od smeha :lol: :lol: :lol:


To sam ja napravila ^^
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Svaka cast. :histerija:

A sta je sa Anet, bre, sto se tako ugojila? :shock:

Bas nekako nezdravo izgleda. :/


Hvala ^^
Ne znam, vidi ovo
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Kontam ja da je ona trudna i sve to... Ali ona bre meni izgleda tako nekako, kao da ce da rikne sa oprostenjem :lol:

Stvarno je matora i to je pocelo da se vidi. xD


However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.