Tri nove pesme!!!

Započeo Ninoslav, Maj 25, 2007, 20:43:02

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...


Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...



Amaranth mi se ne svidja pretjerano, al 7 Days i MPG weeeeeeeeeeeee
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?


7 days to the wolves je mnogoo dobra stvar...ovo ostalo....nista specijalno

The passion of lovers is for death said she
The passion of lovers is for death

And slips her banshee smile

Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:

Send me the pillow....the one that you dream on


Ispravak,posle nekoliko slusanja Amaranth isto razvaljuje

The passion of lovers is for death said she
The passion of lovers is for death

And slips her banshee smile

Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:

Send me the pillow....the one that you dream on


Meni se dopadaju sve 3 pesme. Da ih ocenim onako globalno 8/10
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


meni su ok sve tri.... ali ovaj Master mi nekako bas upecatljiv :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Njen glas i Marcov se apsolutno ne uklapaju...sve u svemu - shitty (moje mishljenje).


:shock: au sestro

Ja u jednom momentu nisam mogao da provalim da li peva ona ili Marco.. tako da, meni se recimo slazu mnogo vise nego Tarja i Marco..
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Citat: PlanetHell poslato Maj 26, 2007, 00:47:08
:shock: au sestro

Ja u jednom momentu nisam mogao da provalim da li peva ona ili Marco.. tako da, meni se recimo slazu mnogo vise nego Tarja i Marco..
To podrzavam....
Cak se i poklapaju...... :shock:
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Citat: PlanetHell poslato Maj 26, 2007, 00:47:08
:shock: au sestro

Ja u jednom momentu nisam mogao da provalim da li peva ona ili Marco.. tako da, meni se recimo slazu mnogo vise nego Tarja i Marco..

Idemo ti i ja sutra kod ushnog,sreco! :D
Progledaces :lol:
Ne da se ne uklapaju nego...ajoj :roll:
But that's just me...


Ti si zagluvela pored tih bodoma nesreco! :lol:
A i izvini molim te, ali ti si se skoro zalila na uho zar ne? :P :P :P
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Da ti slushash Bodome,chuo bi kako treba! :P
Jesam ali sam sredila to sad je red na tebe :D
Ne,jednostavno mi se ne dopada,necu slusati i to je to. The End.


NJah... kako god.... svakome svoj sluh i svoje misljenje....  :cow: :cow:
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


7 days to the wolves je u sustini dobra pesma...samo njen vokal mi ne ide... ne ide i gotovo...trudi se ona, da se uklopi i stvarno vidi se da je mnogo radila na sebi i tako ali ipak... hvala marcu sto postoji...eto..on izvlaci stvar..inace...

MPG je onako....dobra produkcija ... zaista...

ova amaranth je bljak .... zvuci mi kao hiper super nabildovani tatu....


Slazem se sa Micom potpuno....


super su pesme, muzika je odlicna....najvise mi se svidja master.....ali glas je nablaze receno smesan.....sta im se toliko svidelo kod nje....
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...


Jako je tesko zakljuciti kakva je pesma na osnovu 40 sekundi.

Strpite se pa kritikujte kad izadje album.

PS mozda ovo jos i nije finalni mix vec rough demo.
Namaste... Bow before me, brothers, show your respect, then create devastation...

...When there's nothing left to say
Lake of tears will find it's way...

Winter's Son

meni se svidja, su sushtini...
mada mi se Marko uopshte ne svidja, imam utisak da slusham Tarot (sjeba se, odo' s teme  )
no, mislim da cje sa Anetom skrenuti sa dosadashnjih staza (kao da su i imali jednu, nego 'ajde)

sa Markom se uklapa 101%, i on, kao i ona znaju da kreshte (7 Days To The Wolves) i to dobro znaju da rade....

Amaranth je dobra pesma, muzika je ostala ista kao i pre (i to u ogromnim kolichinama).... poqshavam da zamislim ovu pesmu sa Tarjom,ali mi ne ide... kontam da bi i ona u ovoj pesmi zvuchala kao Aneta pored onih silnih mutacija na mixeti, ali dobro.... nekako me podsecja na Ridlera, samo iz Once doba...pesma sva shljashti...

7 Days ( :lol: ) ima jako, jako dobar pochetak sa violinom, mada mi je previshe u Tarot i power fazonu... sazvakacju je nekako

MPG malo vuche na Beauty of The Beast, ali vrlo malo......

za sada, bar kod mene, Amaranth vodi...

mada ne bi shkodilo da ima malo opere, ali ne moze sve da se ima :lol: :P
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Angel Of Light

meni se svidjaju sve tri :) samo jos da se naviknem na vokal...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Doooobro, napredujemo :lol:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Idiotic Mind

seven days najbolja za sad
posebno onaj dio sa Marcom
stalno slusam taj sample
i kontam kakva je citava stvar
vjerujem da ce biti jedna od najboljih sa albuma

amaranth je dobra isto
samo isto kao da je izvodi sharon iz wt
Half eaten by insects

Lost Lullaby

ufff...meni u seven days to the wolves TAKO FALI TARJIN GLAS! Jednostavno, Anettein tanki lagani glasicj se ne uklapa uz Marca onako kao Tarjin...i ne znam... :roll: inache, muzika je fenomenalna  :heart:
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.


Ja ne mogu da zamislim Tarjin sopran u toj pesmi..mislim da je ovako jacha.. Tarja bi usporila pesmu, osim ako nekim cudom ne bi uspela da otpeva clean?! Mmmm, dont think so..
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Lost Lullaby

ma daj bre, tachno se vidi da ja imam takav feeling
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.


Slazem se sa Micom...

Lost Lullaby

doduse, moram priznati da je Eva veoma zarazna pesma....
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.

Angel Of Light

slazem se potpuno da nujen glas nedostaje...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

Lost Lullaby

kmek :( sad cju pojesti sve ono shto sam rekla o Tarji..."ona je zamenljiva, bla,bla,bla"..dobro, jeste zamenljiva, ali ne OVAKO!!!
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.