Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen

Započeo Baki, Avgust 16, 2005, 00:17:54

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Ako mislite na odecu, simpaticna haljina, ako mislite na nju samo, izgleda kao i uvek, ne vidim sto se toliko odusevljavate :lol:
Inace, nisam slusala bas do kraja ali ne cuje se nesto :P
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama



Tarjana ponovo dolazi u Oktobru :D :D :D

Jes da je na rumunskom ali bitno je ime dole :
Noul album semnat TARJA TURUNEN (foto), intitulat "What Lies Beneath", va fi lansat prin Universal Music  in data de  20 august 2010 si va fi urmat de un turneu ce va purta numele "Beneath Europe Part 1 Tour".
  Conform informatiilor primite de la managementul formatiei, acesta va avea loc in luna octombrie si va trece prin tari precum: Polonia, Cehia, Slovacia, Ungaria, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Grecia si Turcia.

Crownless Phoenix

E, na ovaj ima da idem, makar padalo kamenje s neba!
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


eve ga i prevod:

The new album by Tarja Turunen (photo), entitled "What Lies Beneath" will be released through Universal Music on August 20, 2010 and will be followed by a tour that will carry the name "Beneath Europe Part 1 Tour.
According to information received from the band's management, it will take place in October and will pass through countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.
you, the dead of my land, I envy you!
you, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!

there are no men like me. there's only me.

go then, there are other worlds than these

a thousand crystal towers,
a hundred emerald cities..


It's better to burn out, than to fade away...


Aaaaaaaaaa, to mi kazi!!! Idemo, prvi red, wuhuuuu!!! E jedva cekam novi album :D :D :D

Save yourself and let them suffer!


Jeejupijajeee! :D Prvi red. :cool: :D
On je odabrao da se ne zadržava bilo gde.
On je odabrao da odlazi,
on je odabrao da se odriče,
i da ne pita za smisao ili razlog,
on je naučio da se ne okreće.


Citat: Imrahil poslato April 07, 2010, 19:38:17
eve ga i prevod:

The new album by Tarja Turunen (photo), entitled "What Lies Beneath" will be released through Universal Music on August 20, 2010 and will be followed by a tour that will carry the name "Beneath Europe Part 1 Tour.
According to information received from the band's management, it will take place in October and will pass through countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.

Aaaaa!!! :D :D :D

A mozemo da idemo i u Hrvatsku,Bugarsku i Sloveniju! Fak jea! :cool:

(Ovo vazi u slucaju da Milica opet, kao za Maidene, odabere komplikovano a ne jednostavno xD)

Angel Of Light

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,extra bi bilo!!!!
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Otvarajte temu u koncertima :D ;D
Je ovo sigurno ili šta?
It's better to burn out, than to fade away...

Crownless Phoenix

mislim da ne bi trebalo da otvaramo temu dok ne bude 100% sigurno, i dok bar ne znamo priblizan datum. :)
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad



Je*em ti i kurs evra i cene goriva, preskupo ispada planinarenje do Miškolca, no i da je duplo jeftinije, nije od neke vajde, posla ni za lek, dakle je*em ti i krizu. :evil:


There, there - mozda ce doci kod nas od septembra ;)


Jes', ali to ne da bude ovako specijalan show, simfoničari, hor, međunarodne ribe, gulaš paprikaš itd. :lol:


A ti bi zbog medjunarodnih riba, jes vala! :P

Nema sanse, ja sam od 14. juna rasprodata, tako da cak i kad bih imala para za ovo, ne bi se moglo ici...

Masha Vuorinen



Tarja drzi bebche neko? :lol:

Mozda je Jukkina cera, ili sin? 

Crownless Phoenix

A da se nije ona mozda porodila u medjuvremenu? :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Pa jes vala, moze biti i to. :lol: Gle kako je bez sminke i sva nekako kao da je menjala pelene i zivce celu noc :lol:


Save yourself and let them suffer!

Crownless Phoenix

.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad

Coa Smor

Neće biti dvd iz Miškolca :( Kaže ne odgovara joj da snima festivalsku svirku, bez pripreme, izjednom i to...

20tak minuta intervjua, relativno loš zvuk al može se čut
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens fly, soft petals on a breeze.
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens. Why-nots, Perhaps and Wait-and-sees.


Tarja bicarko jedna :( Pa nish, aj se pokupimo i u Bulgariu? :D

Save yourself and let them suffer!


Blah, nadam se da će se ubaciti i Serbia u tu listu. :)
It's better to burn out, than to fade away...



Prilika da za 400 + postarina nabavite Tacin prvi album (ako ne racunamo onaj Henkäys Ikuisuudesta).

Takodje, tu je i neki NW best of + jos 180 razlicitih diskova :)

Postarina za dva diska je oko 200 dinara.
you, the dead of my land, I envy you!
you, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!

there are no men like me. there's only me.

go then, there are other worlds than these

a thousand crystal towers,
a hundred emerald cities..

Crownless Phoenix

Znaci oko 1000din za 2 diska. Diiiiiiiiivno.
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Aha, ali pozuri, jos samo sutra :)
you, the dead of my land, I envy you!
you, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!

there are no men like me. there's only me.

go then, there are other worlds than these

a thousand crystal towers,
a hundred emerald cities..

Crownless Phoenix

jeftino, jeftino :D Zurimo, zurimo :D Uuuu, ima i Apokaliptika!
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad