Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen

Započeo Baki, Avgust 16, 2005, 00:17:54

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

Angel Of Light

pa nije,ali gledaj realno,vecina onih koji su poceli da slusaj nightwish poceli su da ga slusaju kad su culi njen glas,muzika je tu dosla kao slag na tortu,tako da ce mnogi pamtiti i nw po njoj i nju po nw-u,to je normalno...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


ma nisam ja nikakav poseban zaljubljenik u Tarju
ali mi se svejedno svidja njena verzija TIn Spirita
i svejedno nalazim(meni logichno) objashnjenje za stvari kojima sa bavi
bicje upamcjena po NW ,to stoji;ali shto Majche kaze i NW po njoj



Citat: Angel Of Light poslato Avgust 08, 2007, 15:12:36
istina je da ce je mnogi pamtiti po nw-u ali i nw po njoj


Album ce verovatno biti dobar,ali opet nece to biti to,ali ni nista od NWa vise nece biti ono sto je nekad bilo... :/
Лешина се преко клисуре стровалила, нека сад у смрти пронађе свог господа !!! \м/


i sto je najbitnije, srecna je u ljubavi, zivi miran zivot, uziva....nightwish joj sada nije ni 5% potreban....po meni, oni su mnogo vise izgubili ovim razlazom nego ona.....
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

White Hunter

Ja mislim da stvarno gubimo vreme prichajuci o ovome..
Nikada ne mozhemo biti sigurni ko je srecniji i zadovoljniji..ona ili oni...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "


da, nikada ne mozemo biti sigurni, ali to je moje misljenje....
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

Angel Of Light

ewo kako je Tarja okarakterisala svoj novi album na svom blogu:

"My Winter Storm is a combination of rock (heavy) elements, classical voice, and film music sound with catchy melodies."

zvuci interesantno...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

Winter's Son

drugi nw samo malo blazi :roll: :|
neznam, kad budem chuo-znacju :)
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


A kada ona planira da izda taj album?
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

Angel Of Light

negde u oktobru koliko ja znam...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Ja mislim da je 9og novembra. :|
Лешина се преко клисуре стровалила, нека сад у смрти пронађе свог господа !!! \м/

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


samo da pozelim tarji srecan 30. rodjendan, zelim joj sve najbolje, jer je to i zasluzila....
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

Angel Of Light

ja sam to sinoc uradila na njenom forumu :) ali ewo i ovde :) srecan joj rodjendan,sve najbolje,da nastavi da pravi fenomenalnu muziku,da nam jos dugo,dugo fenomenalno peva i da napravi neki koncert u Beogradu :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Citat: Angel Of Light poslato Avgust 17, 2007, 17:34:09
ja sam to sinoc uradila na njenom forumu :) ali ewo i ovde :) srecan joj rodjendan,sve najbolje,da nastavi da pravi fenomenalnu muziku,da nam jos dugo,dugo fenomenalno peva i da napravi neki koncert u Beogradu :)

Podrzavam u potpunosti ovaj post :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

White Hunter

Srecan joj rodjendan..zhelim joj sve najbolje,sa zakashnjenjem...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "



"Uvek si trazila pesme bez nade
stihove pune poraza
takve ne radjaju nikada vise
radjaju samo lazni sjaj.
Oseti kraj u vazduhu
pronadji bol u grudima
samo na mojim rukama
hocu da umres poslednja"

Angel Of Light

"So let me introduce to you the characters that you will find in My Winter Storm songs, in the art of the single and the album and in the video of I Walk Alone:

The Dead Boy





The Doll




The Phoenix



The Queen of Ice




http://s93.photobucket.com/albums/l68/queen_of_ice_1984/my%20winter%20storm/?action=view&current=ice_5_1.jpg  "

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


wtf?? :shock:

sta je bre ovo??? :shock:


E super su slicice :D
najlepsa je kao Queen of ice :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

White Hunter

Jeste..ove druge su smeshne...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "

Angel Of Light

pa mislim,ako pogledate moj personal text sve ce vam biti jasno :lol:

heh,kao queen of ice je prelepa :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Silence—I don't want to hear your shit. 
Patience—just wait a little bit. 
Don't cry—your tears mean nothing. 
Help me—I'm looking for something. 
Bleeding—I sink my teeth in. 
Divine—my love of your crimson. 
Nectar—it courses through me. 
Your blood—it's like ecstasy.

Pale, beyond porch and portal,
Crowned with calm leaves, she stands
Who gathers all things mortal
With cold immortal hands

Holding on to you was like holding on to nothing

Angel Of Light

ta slika je prelepa :) samo sto ona uopste ne lici na sebe...
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~

Angel Of Light

ja sam vristala od smeha kad sam videla wall :) bas je super :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

White Hunter

Malo smaraju ta "prepucavanja" izmedju njih dvoje...

Jeste smeshno...ali oni fanatici na oficijalnom sajtu su opsednuti njma..kreteni...
Oni su mi pali na pamet,jer rade takve stvari..

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub: