Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen

Započeo Baki, Avgust 16, 2005, 00:17:54

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


wau, kakav li ce tek biti spot :)

sta reci vise - prelepa je!

White Hunter

Lepa je samo kao Ice Queen..ostalo je blah...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "


interesantno... :D
ona je uvek lepa :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Fenomenalna je kao feniks,a kao dead boy lici na bone-a iz Deathstarsa :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The passion of lovers is for death said she
The passion of lovers is for death

And slips her banshee smile

Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:

Send me the pillow....the one that you dream on


изгледа ко зомби који сам креће да уништи све живо

Angel Of Light

Universal Music sent the first official press release for Tarja's "My Winter Storm" album.


TARJA TURUNEN, the exceptionally gifted singer, has signed to Universal Music on an exclusive worldwide basis. Tarja rose to prominence as the voice and the face of Finnish outfit Nightwish, with her unique tones and striking stage presence having played a key role in the international success of that band. Tarja is now ideally placed to take her solo career to a whole new level, both in terms of musical ambition and personal profile; to this end, the 29-year-old – originally from the Finnish town of Kitee – is currently working on her first recordings as a solo artist, with a studio deep in the Irish countryside the initial home for these sessions – a studio that has already played host to the likes of R.E.M., Michael Jackson and the Manic Street Preachers.

Tarja's debut single, 'I Walk Alone', is being lined up for a mid of October release, with the full album, 'My Winter Storm', due to follow on November 9th. Both the single and the album are being produced by Daniel Presley (Faith No More, Jewel, The Breeders), who has been joined in the studio by a truly stellar line-up of musicians: Doug Wimbish on bass (Living Colour, Annie Lennox, Joe Satriani, Jeff Beck, Madonna, Rolling Stones), Alex Scholpp on electric guitars (Farmer Boys) and Earl Harvin on drums (Seal, Pet Shop Boys, Air), a player personally selected by Tarja after she saw him stealing the show at a Seal concert. Keyboards & programming, meanwhile, are being provided by Torsten Stenzel, whose previous credits include Nelly Furtado, Moby, Tina Turner, Vanessa Mae and more.

Throughout her career, Tarja has managed to achieve that most difficult of tasks – seamlessly joining worlds that, at first glance, would appear to be poles apart; in this case, Metal & Opera. Could these two ever really stand shoulder to shoulder without one diluting the other? Well... not only did the soprano singer drive herself to achieve the perfect balance, with hits such as 'Nemo' storming the international charts, but in doing so she helped to create a style that is currently exerting a huge influence on the Rock & Metal scene.

Released in 2004, the highly-acclaimed 'Once' was Tarja's last studio outing – an album that rose to the top of the charts around the world, from Mexico through to the European Billboard lists; the record picked up platinum awards in Germany & Finland, and turned gold right across Scandinavia, as well as in Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, Greece & Hungary.

I terms of vocal training, Tarja started this (ongoing) journey at the age of six, and in due course she was accepted at the world famous Music University, the Sibelius Academy in Kuopio. It was here that she developed what has genuinely become a signature style, achieving an emotional connection with the listener that transcends language, location or musical type. Whether as a soloist with the Finnish National Opera, performing a concert in a church, or holding the gaze of 20,000 rock fans in arenas around the world, Tarja Turunen is a singing phenomenon. As simple as that.

And now, of course, she's pursuing a solo career, taking a musical path that (in terms of direction, variety & scope) should keep her existing fanbase happy, whilst at the same time reaching out to a wider audience. Anyone who likes their music dark of spirit, dramatic in intent and shot through with giant slabs of melody will find plenty to interest them here, and as always, Tarja is pulling out all of the stops...

"Some of these new songs are already sending shivers down my spine; they're awakening me to a new way of living, a way that I've never experienced before..".

Tarja Turunen has always had the voice of an angel; now she's about to (fully) spread her wings.
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

White Hunter

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "

Angel Of Light

pa naravno :) jedva cekam da cujem bar ovaj prvi singl :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

Winter's Son

Njen prvi solo album, My Winter Storm, izgleda izlazi u novembru za Universal Music, a, logicno, onda slijedi turneja, za koju je Terra Nostra Promotions dobila ponudu da radi koncert u Beogradu!

Koliko je ovo tachno, ne znam, ali bi bilo FENOMENALNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Angel Of Light

uh,za ovo bih prodala i bubreg ako treba samo da odem :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Ja sam vec resila da cu da idem :D
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

Angel Of Light

there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

White Hunter

Hm..iskreno..ne znam shta da ochekujem od ovoga...
Vredi chuti AFF,jednu od najboljih pesama...ostalo je chudno..
Bice mi nepojmljivo da je vidim onako..samu bez NW-a...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "

Winter's Son

pa kakve to veze ima..?
Ako vecj NW necje da dodje, zashto ne bi mogla ona...
Verovatno je chula da je na bg202 izglasana za najbolji vokal, pa konta da je, ovde, podrzavaju...
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


sta bre?taca dolazi u bg?ili sam ja procitala nesto cega nema?:lol:

Angel Of Light

dobro si procitala :) ima tema na yumetalu :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


e e mogu da gledam sad yum ne vidim nista .... oci mi se sklapaju, prepricaj mi pliz, stvarno dolazi???

a kada?kako?gde?karta?jupi :)

Angel Of Light

ewo ti kopija posta sa yu metala :)

"Ljudi, ovako... Vjerovatno ste svi upoznati sa radom ove fenomenalne pjevacice, i siguran sam da svi znate u kom bendu je radila do sada, i kakav je taj bend ostavio trag na metal sceni. Zasigurno su mnogi od vas, medju kojima i ja, definitivno pomislili kako je totalno bezveze sto nikad necemo cuti neke od klasika kao sto su Beauty And The Beast, Stargazers, Sacrament Of Wilderness, Sleeping Sun, The Kinslayer, Wishmaster, Bless The Child, i mnoge druge, u originalnom vokalnom izvodjenju jedne od najboljih pjavacica u metalu, bez koje, osporavali mi to ili ne, uprkos tome sto je Tuomas idejni vodja, Nightwish vjerovatno ne bi bio to sto jeste...
Njen prvi solo album, My Winter Storm, izgleda izlazi u novembru za Universal Music, a, logicno, (a to je i razlog sto sam ovdje otvorio temu) onda slijedi turneja, za koju je Terra Nostra Promotions dobila ponudu da radi koncert u Beogradu!

Definitivno je potvrdjeno da ce se izvoditi i Nightwish pjesme! I poprilicno nas zanima sta fanovi Nightwisha iz ranog perioda, u koje nas vecina iz firme spada, misle o ovom rizicnom projektu.
Obicno nemamo naviku da pitamo ljude sta misle o necemu, ali sad nam treba misljenje drugih.
Moderatori, izvinite sto je tema ovdje otvorena, nisam htio da otvaram na opsta metal diskusija niti ostala nemetal muzika, jer joj ni tamo nije mjesto."
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Ja cu da dovucem svoje cenjeno dupe do BGa...Ako bde certa...Tako da vidimo se...LOL

Angel Of Light

"Yesterday Tarja's single "I Walk Alone" was played on YleX radio.
It is already on the internet..."

imacu pesmu za tacno minut :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


Nije mi losa pjesma...ni najmanje, ovako na prvo slusanje.. :)
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?

Angel Of Light

meni je na prvo slusanje bila cudna a onda jednostavno nisam mogla vise da prestanem da je slusam :) uh,od kad je nisam cula ovako... :wub:

ewo i texta za ovu pesmu :)

I walk alone

Put all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I'm not dead
I left a thorn under your bed

I'm never gone

Go tell the world I'm still around
I didn't fly, I'm coming down
you are the wind, the only sound

Whisper to my heart
when hope is torn apart
and no one can save you

I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone

My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone

Go back to sleep forever more
Far from your fools and lock the door
They're all around and they'll make sure

You don't have to see
What I turned out to be
no one can help you

I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone

My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone

waiting up in heaven
I was never far from you
Spinning down I felt your every move

I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone

My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:


dobra je pesma, svidja mi se, nekako je originalna....
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...


da da jeste originalno simpatichno
chini mi se ona(tarja) cje bolje procji nego oni(NW)



Eto ni ja je ne mogu prestat slusat.. Zvuci kao nesto sto bih utrpala u Fatal Frame soundtrack. Dakle, tuzno, melankolicno, maglovito i snjezno, a opet divno.
Moram priznati da sam ocekivala manje, i ugodno se iznenadila. :)
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?


jea i morbidno je na neki nachin...
ili bar ja dozivljavam kao morbidno na neki nachin,mislim vishe na spot ..jel...



нисам гледао спот али читајући песму сам приметио велику сличност са неком бесном репчином као томас је хтео да је зејебе али она се враћа на сцену са томи ганом јача него икад , свима да јебе кеве , и гејеви тома да шеве бла бла ла ла
она се вратила   :shock:

Angel Of Light

bas mi se svidja ova nova pesma :) definitivno ce bolje proci nego nw :)
there can be miracles, when you believe...
bila Tarja...muk... :wub: :wub:

White Hunter

Definitivno ne verujem.. :)

Dobra je pesma Tarjina,nishta posebno...Trebalo bi da joj je dobar ovaj album...

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "