Century Child

Započeo Telcontar, Avgust 16, 2005, 18:51:11

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Citat: "Vorador"E Tuomi je djubre.............shto je morao da izbaci Lagoon kad je extra........ PA mogao je obe pesme da ubaci..............kreten

P.S. Izvinjavam se ljubiteljima dragog nam textopisca :oops: , i na rechniku :oops: , ali ............ :evil:

a shta ce da ostane za single.???
pa moraju nekako da te privuku da potroshish pare na single...
ma jok ubacice samo jednu pesmu i ono kao.. :roll:  :lol:
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Koliko su singlova izdali za ovaj zadnji album.... :roll:
A i za ovaj album  je bilo par izdanja Bless the child i Century child extended...
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Citat: "Maza"Koliko su singlova izdali za ovaj zadnji album.... :roll:
Nuclear Blast..ne NW....oni se nista ne pitaju
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME

Winter's Son

Da ali kome te pare idu u prilog........sigurno ne ostaju NB ili Spine... ......sigurno......

Nego svi se slazemo  de je Beauty of The Beast najzeshcja stvar.......
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


Pa da ali dobar deo zarade prodatih albuma ide izdavackoj kuci...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Citat: "Vorador"@ 2 4 Tragedy: Prosvetli me, neshto se ne secjam razloga. Jedino shto znam jeste da nichije child nije died. Tako da te molim da me prosvetlish :roll:

evo nesto o tome.

"I want to find a balance, not a routine, definitely not.
The right kind of balance in everthing I do...
That's what Ive been looking for the last 10 years, but haven’t been able to find.
That’s the thing I want.
When you think of song like "Gethsemane". The bottom line of the song...
It gets extremely personal.
Its all there, and at the time it made me feel a lot better.
Or when you think about "EverDream". It is such of a personal song.
Opening up about my feelings, the way I miss a certain person.
It’s pretty much all in there.
When you get one thing done, there’s always something new.
When that is no longer the case â€" I’m afraid there’ll be no new Nightwish album either.

Im still pissed of occasionaly, but not as often as a year ago. A year ago I was pissed off constantly. Every time an artist works, the art never fails to somehow reflets his state of mind.
["slaying the dreamer" in the background]

Personal relationships didn't work at all, and I generally hated myself most of the time. I kept thinking about a lot of stuff, and on top of that was the band thing. I felt like the walls were closing in. We knew we had to go to studio in December to record a demo ( for the new album CC ) and I should have been wrting new songs. You can hear the mood on some of the songs...


It was mainly the selfhatred some 24. year crisis. I started thinking what I’ve done, what still needs to be done, and what kind of person am I. I was not satisfied with anything. On top of that my personal relationships were a mess.And also Nightwish, which is still the most important thing for me was going through it’s most difficult
crisis at the time.. It all sort of piled up.In the summer and fall of 2001. After our last gig in Nivala, I personaly called it quit. The next day I called Spinefarm and Drakkar and said "End of story, Nightwish is through, I wont do it anymore. IF it all goes well we might do an album, but well never go onstage" I told the others, it got really tense, we quarrelled a lot, and I knew then that this just could work anymore.
I went straight to Kemi, to visit Sonata Arctica's TONY( KAKKO) and for the week we went hiking in the woods of Lapland. I felt really damn good, I’d gotten it all off my chest.. I didnt have this burden called Nightwish anymore. I could start a new life.We talked about it with Tony, and I felt really great.
[ so, thank Tony from Sonata, that Nightwish still exists..]

I told the label people that I could take it anymore. And this was the begining of a new life. It was a bit scary that i didnt feel pognant, I felt just great. But now after a year, I realize I would have made the biggest mistake in my life If I had quit then. As I let the time go by and I steered clear of the other guys. I regained faith in myself, and realized the beauty of this thing. And where we’d gotten in 4 years, it didnt deserve to end like this. All problems could be

The first thing on my mind was that if Nightwish were to go on me and Sami just could work in the same band. It was a fact, and the other fact was that I couldnt tell it to him. Don’t know if I’m too gentle or too cowardly, but I could do it. He’d been my friend for 10 years, and I could tell him that. I just can’t continue in the same band with him, he’d had to leave. I’d rather quit the whole band, than go and tell it to his face.Thats one of the thing I regret the most in my life. That I could tell it to him myself. I’ll regret it all my life. It was a lousy thing as a friend and a mate. I really should have told him personally. It was a bad mistake, but what can you do about it anyomre? Ewo called and told Sami. He came to see me right after. We talket about the way things are for about an hour. Sami said OK and left. We havent talked since."

sve u svemu, pored Once, ovo mu (im) je najbolje delo.

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~

Two For Tragedy

Ovo sto pricate za wayfarer,ju ja kad sam je cuo prvi put tako sam se nalozio na nju,da se nisam skidao sa pesme jedno 2 nedelje.Jako mi se svidja.Kalupne pesme je*u majku.  :twisted:
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark


E danas sam kupila ovaj album original disk i sada uzivam :)
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


dobar je album,vidi se da mu se nesto dogodilo(Tuomasu),zvuci dosta drugacije od prva tri.ja na to gledam ovako:Angels i OB su veoma veoma slicni,Wishmaster je (za mene)kulminacija energije i njegovog stvaralastva pesama u tom fazonu,a onda krecu CC i Over the Hills sa vidnom promenom u muzici,a i textovi su nekako drugaciji,emotivniji.
jedino Once ne kapiram,uopste nije celina!

sa CC najvise volim Everdream,Slaying the dreamer i Beauty of the Beast. :P
color=red][size=24]NIGHTWISH FOREVER[/size][/color]

[size=24]N I G H T W I S H
N I G H T W I S H[/size]

Old love lies deep,you said......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Citat: "Maza"E danas sam kupila ovaj album original disk i sada uzivam :)
Imam i ja original.album je savrsenstvo...

Imace platio sam ga 600 din NOV od lika koji je dobio a ne slusa NW
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME

Dead Skin Mask

Kako dobar album sto bi rekli savrsenstvo
sve deonice su ispevane bez greske
Mozda za malo mekse NW fanove
Na moru so ovaj disk kupili drugarici pa sam ga ja samo slusao
Posebno Ni 2 eNd Of All Hope kakva pesma 8)
Marching on staff in hand
falling into darkness
carry on through the endless nights calling

Living a timeless tale
Behold the truth unveiled
Passion and glory fill my heart
Knowing my fate

Nightmare of fantasy
Untrue reality
Learning the lesson
as we fight to stay alive


Da,ta drugarica sam ja :lol:
Meni omiljeni album...Izuzetno!!!! :wink:


volim ga kao i sve nw albume, ali nesto me psihicki ubija....nije nesto u redu sa ovim albumom....pogotovo sa pesmom feel for you...previse negativnog izrazenog kroz metafore...moj najneomiljeniji nw album...
mislim volim ga ali ne u toj meri kao ostale..if you know what i mean...


@ Elizabeth - odakle ti taj text ? To je sa DVDa, jesi to prekucavala ?
Posto sam nekada davno ja bio toliko lud da prekucam sve to pasteujem na yum... mislim da jos negde imam sacuvan taj fajl, ako ga nisam obrisao kad sam radio format...
Mogao bi da odgledam "EoI opet"... dugo nisam...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Citat: "NightFantasy"volim ga kao i sve nw albume, ali nesto me psihicki ubija....nije nesto u redu sa ovim albumom....pogotovo sa pesmom feel for you...previse negativnog izrazenog kroz metafore...moj najneomiljeniji nw album...
mislim volim ga ali ne u toj meri kao ostale..if you know what i mean...

Znaci, Tuo je uspeo na tebe da prenese sve svoje misli i osecanja...

@Telconar - da, to je sa EoI, ali nisam ja prekucavala vec mi je jedna devojka poslala pp-jem na YUM-u. Ona je imala otkucano. Sazalilo se dete sto tad nisam imala EoI pa mi je malko docarala atmosferu.

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~


Century Child mi posebno drag :) taj album sam prvi čula od Nightwisha uopće... End of all hope preciznije....i to na svu sreću od brata jer bi se namučila dok bi nabavila album...tu mi je najbolja pjesma Ocean Soul :) iako su sve zaista odlične srcu su mi najviÅ¡e prirasle joÅ¡ Feel For You i Forever Yours
..and if I bleed, I will bleed knowing you don't care...


bas te dve su mi onako najbljutavije(al da se razumemo-obozavam ih)
trenutno:Slaying the dreamer :twisted:
(svadjam se s mojima ovih dana :roll: )
color=red][size=24]NIGHTWISH FOREVER[/size][/color]

[size=24]N I G H T W I S H
N I G H T W I S H[/size]

Old love lies deep,you said......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Idiotic Mind

dobar album ali ne i omiljeni :D
jednostavno kad cujem Oceanborn i Once ja poludim :D
mnogo volim Phantom Of The Opera i Slaying The Dreamer
i bilo bi bolje kad bi pravili jos takvih "slaying"pjesama :twisted:
Half eaten by insects

Coa Smor

Meni #1, zaista :D Mada, ima onaj *prokleti* fejd od minut beÅ¡e li na kraju...uvek sam "mrzeo" kad Tuomas ne zavrÅ¡i stvar nego udari fejd, a ovde je baÅ¡ preterao...tekstualno definitivno najzreliji album i tako...Å¡ta reći :)
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens fly, soft petals on a breeze.
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens. Why-nots, Perhaps and Wait-and-sees.

Idiotic Mind

Half eaten by insects

Winter's Son

Ma Lagoon rula, bre :)
Nisam mogao da je se naslusham kad sam je skinuo.....eEx
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


pa baci link za Lagoon
ja to nemam ,al sam je vhula jednom i dobra je pesmiiica....... :D
i]*Embrace the silence
And listen to me
Our time is short
And my words are pure
For every song the angels sing
And for every leaf that falls
I will be thinking of you
And I'll blow you a kiss*


imas link za Lagoon negde u onom delu bonus tracks ili tako nesto..

~ Vi slepi, vi gluvi
vi sebični ljudi
što pravite buku
bez reda i smisla
bez zašto i zato
za koga i kako
bez pitanja koje bi
možda osušilo
ponosni osmeh
na licu bez suza
na licu što nikada
obraz okrenulo nije... ~

White Hunter

Sta reci,omiljeni album,na njemu je sve savrseno,sve sto zahteva album da bi bio najbolji....

"Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end "

Winter's Son

Citat: "Luthien"pa baci link za Lagoon
ja to nemam ,al sam je vhula jednom i dobra je pesmiiica....... :D
Idi na //www.grammy.ru i kucaj gore NW pa Lagoon...ma vecj snacji cjesh se
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Lost Lullaby

hmmm....Ocean Soul....dovoljno je reci.]
mada, pored te, obozavam i Blesavog li deteta :D (tj. Bless the child...salim se za onaj prevod,naravno) i End of all hope...
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest mind....now?

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.


ja ne mogu da se odluchim za omiljenu pesmu sa tog albuma
sve su fenomenalne od prve do poslednje :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


meni je izmedju ostalog najbolja feel for you...i slaying the dreamer ofcourse!

Lost Lullaby

meni je tu najslabija ffy...
sve ostale apsolutno potpuno skroz obozzzavam
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest mind....now?

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.

Lost Lullaby

mislim, volim i ffy...al manje od ostalih...
al zato phantom, i ocean soul, i bless the child i beauty of the beast i end of all hope...i joooj...ne mogu vise da kucam :D
Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest mind....now?

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.