Jeste li Primetili..?

Započeo Winter's Son, Avgust 26, 2008, 19:05:03

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


To kaze samo na pocetku Bless the Child,kolko ja znam
Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere...

The Pendulum

Citat: Sirius poslato Jun 28, 2009, 00:52:19
To kaze samo na pocetku Bless the Child,kolko ja znam
Kaze i u Wayfarer-u.

Lost Lullaby

Jeste primetili ovo :

mada koliko ja znam, crimson tide i nije originalno nw...

Might be waiting for someone,
Might be there for us to see,
Might be in need of talking
Might be staring directly at me.....


Who's the one with the sickest

.take hold of your time.
.step into the line.

.from loss into your embrace :heart:.

Crownless Phoenix

crimson tide je pisao Hans Zimmer a Tuomas preradio za NW potrebe ;)
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


U vezi tekstova: mnoooogo koriste reč ,,wish", kao i potencijal. I, ah da, reč ,,angel" ili u množini, ,,angels".
However cold the wind and rain,
I'll be there to ease up your pain.
However cruel the mirrors of sin,
Remember, beauty is found within.


Pominju elfove u Dead Gardens... Nostalgija zbog Angels fall First-a. Mislim da se pominje maiden elf i u Wishmasteru. Mada, moglo bi vishe elfova na sledecem albumu :D
And then we turn around and find all forests gone,
and find all stars and stories gone
And then we turn around and find all faeries gone,
and find all dragon faeries gone

Crownless Phoenix

A i ona Erämaan Viimeinen zvuci kao da ju je pevao elf. :D
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Citat: Crownless Phoenix poslato Jul 30, 2011, 11:38:43
A i ona Erämaan Viimeinen zvuci kao da ju je pevao elf. :D
Da, i to neki mali veseli skakutavi elf :D.
And then we turn around and find all forests gone,
and find all stars and stories gone
And then we turn around and find all faeries gone,
and find all dragon faeries gone


u pitanju je crvenokosa Jonsu iz benda Indica...

on topic: na "End of an Era", kada su izvodili "Nemo", početak druge strofe kod dela "pages two and three", Tarja je izgovorila "thRRRRee" ... cute xD
i nekako mi se čini kao da (barem kada su "Ever dream" i "Nemo") reč "ever" izgovara drugačije... xD
Your beauty cascaded on me in this White night Fantasy....

Coa Smor

What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens fly, soft petals on a breeze.
What-ifs, Maybes and Might-have-beens. Why-nots, Perhaps and Wait-and-sees.


Hijao, Coa, nasmeja me ovim neverovatno  :histerija: :histerija: :histerija:
The Child, the child, the Chiiiiiiiiiild....
Your beauty cascaded on me in this White night Fantasy....

The Pendulum

Haha, dobro je.  :lol:
Mada su mogli i innocence i dead boy i verovatno jos nesto, ali sad mi ne pada na pamet.


Hahahahah Omfg.. The child, the child, the child the chiild XD
This is who i am,
Paradise seeker