Jukka Nevelainen

Započeo Telcontar, Avgust 16, 2005, 18:46:22

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Meni su on I Tuomi najlepsi u bandu...extra mu stoji ta marama,bre....xxx
Likcin,..i dete mu ima maramuXD


Citat: Winter's Son poslato Avgust 26, 2008, 22:17:48
ima chovek veliko chelo, to je to...
pa izgleda freaky kad ne nosi maramu...
da ali ne smeta xD

Ne verujem da ce ga sutnuti ;) !
CitatI hear he loves the public, and Tuomas blames him for the setting up of Nightmail.
CitatIf you read the "Once upon a Nightwish" book he seems to be the band member most interested in the business side of things as well and tries to make sure they don't get ripped off, so even beyond the music he's pretty important to them.
CitatHe's also vegetarian and very interested in saving the planet. Which is always good to hear.
CitatHe's pursuading Nightwish to use low-energy light bulbs and recycle
Ovo sam nasla na drugom forumu o njemu :D ... Inace nisam bila upucena u te stvari
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama


Joj bas je slatka slika. :D
Znala sam da je vegetarijanac, a ovo poslednje za NW je bas pozitivno. :)
On je odabrao da se ne zadržava bilo gde.
On je odabrao da odlazi,
on je odabrao da se odriče,
i da ne pita za smisao ili razlog,
on je naučio da se ne okreće.

Crownless Phoenix

e ovu fotku je islander imao neko vreme, mislim :D
a to da je vegeterijanac sam saznala iz Bakijeve istorije nw-a, mislm :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Ja tu fotku obozavam :DDDDDDD ... Inace ja za ovo nisam znala, mrzelo me je da citam tu njegovu "istoriju" xD
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama

Crownless Phoenix

procitaj, veoma je interesantno, nbije istorija u klasicnom smislu. Videces da ej smesno i otkrices zasto je tarja veverica :lol:
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Moni je najiskrenije Tarja veverica zbog zuba, sada zbog cega je vama xD ... Inace postavi mi link da se ne muzim :lol:
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama

Fallen Angel

Ma frajercina!!!!!!Coolican je skroz...... :)
Carry my soul into the night,
May the stars guide my way.
I glory in the sight,
As darkness takes the day.

Dark Angel

Gotivan je skroz...
Reachin', searchin' for something untouched,
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading callin'


Citat: Idiotic Mind poslato Avgust 24, 2005, 01:20:56
Jukka ima bas slatku cerku,zove se Luna
'nas kak je slatka :lol:

ima  i sina...
widela sam neke slike.
mislim da  mu je to sin.

simpatichno je to shto i cjerki jednom stawio maramu.. :D


Make me wonder what's the meaning of life
What's the use to be born and then die
Make me guess who's the one
Behind the mask of Father and Son

In the glades of summer
A light still wanes in you

Masha Vuorinen

Cestitam Jukka!  :icon_pidu:
Jukka's Family Grows

A healthy baby girl with a weight of 3 770 grams (8.31 lb) and a height of 50,5 cm (19.9") was born today, June 22, to Jukka and Satu Nevalainen. As Emppu put it: "Great lovers have baby girls!"

Crownless Phoenix

Cestitke! :) Bas lepe vesti! :D
.               The Shamrock crew
                     Borovnica Crew  :drinkers:
I am singin' for my pleasure
An' that's my only measure
That's my cure for livin'
When I'm feelin' bad


Jea :D
Cestitke ^_^
Cek' koje mi je ovo dete po redu xD ?
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama


Pa ja mislim trece? :lol:

Cestitamo! :cool:


Lepe vesti. Čestitamo! :D
On je odabrao da se ne zadržava bilo gde.
On je odabrao da odlazi,
on je odabrao da se odriče,
i da ne pita za smisao ili razlog,
on je naučio da se ne okreće.


Citat: Lomelinven poslato Jun 24, 2010, 11:01:41
Pa ja mislim trece? :lol:

Cestitamo! :cool:

Ja isto mislim, ali da pitam xD
"Anette and Tarja should have a daughter together.
Then all the arguments would be over!"

Neke od najgorih stvari ucinjene su najboljim namerama