Century Child

Započeo Telcontar, Avgust 16, 2005, 18:51:11

prethodna tema - sledeća tema


Necu opet da pisem.. moj #1 album.. i tako...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]



moj omiljeni takodje...
volim sve pesme...
uskoro treba da kupim original...
zamislite kad ima da se kupi u LA... :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Two For Tragedy

jedan od najtuznijih albuma.

Ocean Soul !
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark


ne vidim shta je tuzno u end of all hope, dead to the world, slaying the dreamer , no, kad ti tako kazesh... :roll:  :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.

Two For Tragedy

Pa, nije toliko tuzan,ali je dosta mracan.Ustvari i sami znate kako je nastao taj album (razlog) !!!
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark

Winter's Son

@ 2 4 Tragedy: Prosvetli me, neshto se ne secjam razloga. Jedino shto znam jeste da nichije child nije died. Tako da te molim da me prosvetlish :roll:
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."

Two For Tragedy

Koliko sam ja razumeo,Tuomas je pre tog albuma zavrshio ozbiljnu vezu sa X osobom.I zato je album tako mracan i po meni dosta tuzan.Pa sta mislis zasto nikad ne sviraju Feel For You i Forever Yours.I ever dream ti govori kako mu nedostaje doticna osoba,samo,Everdream sviraju.Da,sa ovog albuma jos ne sviraju i Ocean Soul.Mislim da za ovo ne moram da objasnjavam ! :wink:
.....::::: Tuomas on this 4um 4ever :::::.....

Never again
On your forcefed illusions to choke
You feed off my pain
Fee off my life...

A choir full of longing

Will call our ships to port

The countless lonely voices

Like whispers in the dark


Drugi po redu moj omiljeni album ali na njemu se nalazi moja omiljena pesma END OF ALL HOPE...:)
I Beauty of the Beast :)...i onda sve ostale...ama bas sve :)
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Ma Ocean Soul, Century Child, Beast i sve to, to jeste Tuomas...
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


cetiri u jednom  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
on je najvise ocean soul  :wink:
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


Citat: "Two For Tragedy"Koliko sam ja razumeo,Tuomas je pre tog albuma zavrshio ozbiljnu vezu sa X osobom.I zato je album tako mracan i po meni dosta tuzan.
jeste tuzan ali nije mracan uopste....

inace moj omiljeni album..
nosio bi ga na pusto ostrvo....

nema lose pesme...
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


Ma mracan jeste, ali istovremeno i nije... i tuzan i nije tuzan... cudno je to....
color=black]..I wish for this nighttime to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me, shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
Sleeping, weeping, with you...

The reaper is on the other side, let's go[/color]

[size=18]I truly hate you all ...[/size]

[size=10]Duja je rekao UBAGOVAN 29.01.2006 u 22:11:01[/size]


Pa jeste tuzan, sa izuzetkom Ever Drweama....barem meni.

Winter's Son

Meni je album interesantan, a ne znam shto 8)
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


Citat: "Telcontar"Ma mracan jeste, ali istovremeno i nije... i tuzan i nije tuzan... cudno je to....
Neco molim te reci mi sta je tu mracno...
jeste tuzno sto ga je riba ostavila...
ali niceg mracnog tu nema...
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


pa jes` pomalo mrachna Forever Yours i Ocean Soul... bwahaha
ma chim chujem uvod u Bless the Child odmah se preporodim :D
Ne znam sta bih rekao.


Meni je forever yours bash mrachna....forever chiji? Pa Satanin...Bash mrachnooooo :lol:


Dobra je feel for you...
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:


sve su pesme dobre..savrsene....
jedino mi se phantom ne uklapa u ceo koncept albuma ali i njega volim
(mada tek od skoro - kad sam cuo uzivo)
pure art...
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


kad sam prvi put slusala album nisam mogla da se odvojim od Bless the Child (samo me malko nervira spot,mada je Tuomas tu mnogo lepo ispao sa onom crvenom kosicom,a i Marco takodje),to mi je omiljena pesma ,i ever dream too,pa onda sve ostale...
a to da je album mracan...pa dobro jeste... :cry:
koje su pesme kao +bonus na onoj japanskoj verziji???wayferer imam ali onu the blue lagoon (valjda se tako zove?!?!?!?)nisam uspela da skinem.
i]*Embrace the silence
And listen to me
Our time is short
And my words are pure
For every song the angels sing
And for every leaf that falls
I will be thinking of you
And I'll blow you a kiss*

Winter's Son

Probaj OVDE trebalo bi da je skinesh

P.S. Zahvaljujem se likovima koji su meni dali ovaj link
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."


Ma lagoon je bolja od vecine albumskih pesama!


Citat: "Luthien"kad sam prvi put slusala album nisam mogla da se odvojim od Bless the Child-samo me malko nervira spot,mada je Tuomas tu mnogo lepo ispao sa onom crvenom kosicom,a i Marco takodje
neeeee...spot je odlican..Memento fazon..
i on ju je ubio..
a obozavao ju je....

color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


Spot je fantastichan...najbolji njihov do sada po meni....

Idiotic Mind

veoma jak album taj CC
Ali Tarja je slabo otpjevala svoje
muzika mi se dopada,jer mi je to bio omiljeni album dok nisam nabavio ONCE jelte
PHantom Of The Opera je jedna od zescih stvari sa ovog albuma,i meni se jakooo dopada
ever dream,slaying the dreamer,beauty of the beast,ocean soul su extra
mnoogo dobar album,broj 2 za mene,mada se dvoumim izmedju njega i Oceanborn-a
Half eaten by insects


Citat: "Baki"Ma lagoon je bolja od vecine albumskih pesama!
moj covek....
inace ta pesma je trebala da uleti na album umesto Phantoma i u poslednjem trenutku se Tuomas predomislio
color=darkred]Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE
No toleration - invade
Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE
You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME


my #2... i love it... obozavam apsolutno sve pesme... ma prelepo, prelepo... ever dream, ocean soul, end of all hope, beauty of the beast......


wayfarer je mnogo simpaticna pesmica....
Love is the only truth
Pure as the will of youth
Until it breaks your heart :sad5:

Bound by this passion, I'm begging you please let me go
There is no escaping the feeling, I can't fight anymore :sad11:

With the absence of the heart
we could never smile
we can feel the bitter tears :wub:

Winter's Son

E Tuomi je djubre.............shto je morao da izbaci Lagoon kad je extra........ PA mogao je obe pesme da ubaci..............kreten

P.S. Izvinjavam se ljubiteljima dragog nam textopisca :oops: , i na rechniku :oops: , ali ............ :evil:
Citat: Winter's Son poslato Januar 30, 2009, 18:59:53
Zivi svoj zivot najbolje shto mozesh a drugima isti zagorchavaj, naravno, najbolje shto umesh :saint:
"Ja kad serem, serem sa stilom..."